Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 7

The sun was out in full force today, and I broke out the sunscreen happily. 

We met in the Poet's Garden this morning, which was the location of a Nazi exhibit making fun of "degenerate" art, including modern and expressionist pieces. Hitler had deemed these pieces unfit for his empire, and many were sold or destroyed. We then walked over to the Museum der Kunst, where Hitler displayed German art. We talked a lot about architecture and the role it played as propaganda for the Third Reich. Hitler was such a bitter little man for having been rejected based on his artistic skills. 

Overall it was a very interesting day, which I'm glad to have experienced despite the fact that it was a back-up plan after the survivor we were supposed to speak with at Dachau had to cancel for health reasons. Unfortunately, this is common given the aging population of those who survived. Hopefully we will have an opportunity to speak with a survivor in Berlin or even Poland. 

We finished quite early, so the girls and I grabbed sandwiches and headed to the English Garden, the largest park in Munich. It was an amazing space, and we only skirted the edge. We sat along a river and watched the infamous Munich urban surfer dudes (and girls!) doing their thing in a naturally-created wave in the middle of the city. Das ist cool. 

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